Thursday, June 21, 2018

Tuesday, May 29, 2018 - Tallinn City Tour, then travel to St Petersburg, Russia

We visited Kadriorg Palace and Park in the morning. It can be considered as the grandest example of palace and park design in Estonian architectural history. The palace, originally an imperial summer residence, has been extremely well preserved since the early 18th century.  It was constructed in 1718 by Peter the Great of Russia for his wife Catherine. They visited the unfinished residence on several occasions, but after the emperor's death in 1725, Catherine had shown no interest in this seaside property. It is a quiet and pretty palace/park, however, it is in much smaller scale when comparing with any of other Russian Palaces.
Kadriorg Park
Kadriorg Palace's Garden
Kadriorg Palace's Garden
Kadriorg Palace
Then we visited the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds on which the Estonian Song Festival is held every five years. In 1988, Estonians gathered at the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds, to sing patriotic hymns in what became known as the Singing Revolution that led to the overthrow of Soviet rule.
Tallinn Song Festival Grounds
Then, we traveled to St. Petersburg.  At the border, we witnessed the tough process of border control of Russia.  The process is still very rudimentary old communist process.  There are so many unfamiliar rules to westerns, one just have patiently waiting for instruction of next step from the border control staff.  It took a log time to pass this border and it definitely makes one to appreciate the Euro countries’ border passing processes.

We finally arrived at St. Petersburg after experienced the St. Petersburg’s traffic first hand.  After checked into Holiday Inn, we rode the bus to our dinner restaurant which is serving Chinese food.  There were 11 dishes, however, they were all pre-prepared and were all on the table when we got there.  But, it gave us a chance to have Chinese food.

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