Thursday, June 21, 2018

Sunday, June 3, 2018 - Visit Russia Golden Ring (Vladimir and Suzdal)

Today, we started early to visit Russia Golden Ring which is a ring of cities northeast of Moscow. These ancient towns, which also played a significant role in the formation of the Russian Orthodox Church, preserve the memory of the most important and significant events in Russian history. The towns have been called "open-air museums" and feature unique monuments of Russian architecture of the 12th–18th centuries, including kremlins, monasteries, cathedrals, and churches. These towns are among the most picturesque in Russia and prominently feature Russia's onion domes. The 3 cities on our itinerary are Vladimir, Suzdal and Sergiev Posad.  Today, we visited Vladimir and Suzdal and stayed overnight in Suzdal.

Valdimir is the former capital of mediaeval Russia, Vladimir is a very historically important city. It is somewhat more industrial (textile & electronic) than its neighbor of Suzdal. It’s Golden Gates, Cathedral of St. Demetrius and the Dormition Cathedral are UNESCO protected and they are masterpieces of ancient Russian architecture.
Cathedral of St. Demetrius
Dormition Cathedral
Vladimir the Great Statue at Dormition Cathedral Square
We had lunch in a local peasant house (Julia’s House).  This area is famous for their cucumber and jam.  All cooking are homemade and very delicious.  They also have home made souvenirs.  
Lunch at Julia's House
Home Made Souvenirs at Julia's House
Suzdal is one of the oldest Russian towns. In the 12th century it became the capital of the principality, with Moscow being merely one of its subordinate settlements. Nowadays Suzdal is the smallest of the Russian Golden Ring towns with population of just 9978 (in 2015), but a major tourist attraction. Several of its monuments are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

First we visited the Monastery of Saint Euthymius of Our Savior. When we got into the compound, the bell just started to ring (scheduled on each hour) and you can see the bellringer pulling ropes. There are several buildings with historical exhibits.  The complex is located within beautiful sceneries along the Kamenka river.
Clock Tower in Spaso-Evfimiyev Monastery
Spaso-Evfimiyev Monastery's Entrance
Beautiful Sceneries along the Kamenka River
Then we visited the Open Air Museum of Wooden Architecture and Peasant’s Life.  It offers a fascinating glimpse into the traditional lives of rural folk in this area. Besides log houses, windmills, a barn, and lots of tools and handicrafts, its highlights are the 1756 Transfiguration Church and the simpler 1776 Resurrection Church.
Wooden Log House in the Open Museum
Transfiguration Church
When we arrived to the Pushkarskaya Sloboda Hotel, it was pouring down with rain.  The rain in this area was like thunder storm coming fast and disappearing fast too.  But we were rushed to dash out the bus and checked into the hotel.

After checking in, some of us ventured out to see this little town.  The only issues were rain and mosquitos. It prevented some of us to keep going with relaxed walking.  Some did ventured out in the rain and withstanding the mosquitos for wonderful photo opportunities of this beautiful town.
In Front of a Typical House in Suzdal with Colorful Wooden Window
With Cathedral of the Nativity as Background 
Cathedral of the Nativity
Church Of Elijah The Prophet
We had dinner in the hotel and they provided Russian signing and dancing for entertainment.
Dinner Entertainment in Pushkarskaya Sloboda Hotel

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